- Regarding the high antioxidant, high protein, low carb meal replacement, today MXI picked 50 out of 100s of MXI distributors who submitted a video wanting to be part of the 3 month clinical study for testing the product for weight loss results. The 50 were chosen during a very emotional part of the day to be part of the study. These people will be held accountable by Dr. Steve Warren and Dr. Michael Kennedy (Doctor of Bariatrics) during the 3 month study and will become a published study.
- This product will be in the January/February 2011 PROSPER magazine (great time for weight loss for those New Years resolutions). These magazines will be available to us when this product is launched this September/October for marketing purposes through www.soundconcepts.com.
- Dr. Michael Kennedy has joined MXI as a medical advisor (along with Dr. Steve Warren) and came on board because of this product. He said he is one doctor who can see only so many patients in a day in his Bariatric (obesity) practice and we are losing the battle of obesity. He is very excited about this product and the program for a community based ability to get the word out to help conquer the epidemic in our country as well as other countries.
Another NEW Product Announced today:
MILK Chocolate squares - we tasted a sample of the product and boy was it delicious!! Will definitely appeal to the milk chocolate lovers. Of course, since it won't be dark chocolate, it will not have as high of antioxidant levels that the dark chocolate has but it will be the healthiest milk chocolate on the market. It will still deliver great benefits and be "ramped up" in terms of health due to Xocai's knowlege of healthy chocolate and processing this chocolate.
We will send out more convention "take-aways" after we comb through our notes and articulate some great points that were made throughout.
This company is definitely passionate about changing lives and delivering healthy chocolate for healthy living. The weight loss program will be a great asset to an already great product line.
Stay tuned...