Xocai Sizzle Call 1.801.437.5994
Call up right now and listen in!
Do you know where to find a professional presentation of the Xocai business 24/7/365?
One of the best business building tools you have is the Xocai Sizzle Call--a three-minute presentation of the business by MXI Ambassador Paula Pritchard. Is this a brand-new tool? Actually...no. The Xocai sizzle call has been around since the beginning of the business, although it does get updated every so often. No less an authority than Judy and Ian Murray, also MXI Ambassadors, told us that they built their business almost exclusively around this short recorded presentation. And they swear that they still use it today to help prospects learn about Xocai.
If MXI Ambassadors swear by this "sizzle call," then every Xocai associate should pay attention.
So how do you use the call?
Dial in on a three-way connection, and let your prospects listen in. At the end of the call, just ask a simple follow-up question, like, "Do you see a part-time chocolate business fitting into your lifestyle?" or "How can I get you more information?" or "How can I help you get started?"