LLC and DBA's or Sole Proprietor?
Most people who start in the Xocai business do so as SOLE PROPRIETOR based on the person(s) name. You can choose to have a Limited Liability Company (LLC) but you do not have to. An LLC is useful when trying to limit the liability in your company.
As a sole proprietor, you have access to all the home-based business writeoffs and you simply fill out a Schedule C to go along with your Tax Form 1040 when filing taxes.
An LLC is a corporation that then submits Schedule K's to it's members (owners) and then the member files their own personal return entering their net profit from the business.
If you already have an LLC and you start a Xocai business and just want to be able to have it under the umbrella of your LLC, you may want to have a DBA (Doing Business As) so that you can obtain a name to have for your business that makes sense with our great Healthy Chocolate.
When searching for the name of your business, you cannot use the Trade Names of Xocai. You cannot use the words Xocai, MXI Corp or any variation of these words. These are trade names and cannot be used per MXI Corp policy.
We personally have chosen to create a healthy chocolate name for our website but will just file our taxes as Sole Proprietors using Schedule C under our names.